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Isnin, 10 Januari 2011

Journey to Strait Quay

Mit, Dann, Christie and Mrs Andy

The moment was electric when we (me, my wife, Dann, Mit and Christie) arrived at Strait Quay. Huge Christmas tree greeted us at the entrance. Not to forget there were big Ice-creams and waffles waited for us there. My wife really enjoyed in that evening. hehehe.. nobody can forget the big ice-creams, waffles and doughnuts.
I also took some "good" photograph that evening. Who are idiot enough not to take some picture there? Although the place not yet reach it 100% completion but it still marvelous enough. Lets browse some photos that I took during that time. Enjoy!

Strait Quay's Tower

Me and My Wife.

Yum Yum....

Goodbye see you next time Strait Quay.